Rational Resource Economics
The economics of environment and engineering
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RRE is a strictly 1-person company

Rational Resource Economics has exactly 1 employee, and that's me: Mikkel Kromann. I have no plans on expanding to become neither a small, medium or large consultancy company. I'd be quite happy to work for clients on myself or together with partners around the Danish and international consulting industry.

My passion is to make high quality economic analyses and models on resource economics with a heavy focus on environmental science and engineering. In my view, a multi-disciplinary approach is completely necessary in order to tackle the analytical needs arising from climate change, waste management and green energy and all the other resource challenges that the world faces today. And I also find models and analyses a ton of fun, company management less so ...

So, I'm not hiring.

Who is Mikkel Kromann?

I'm an economist (2003 MSc Econ) with app. 20 years professional experience within consulting and economic analysis.

I'm really good at using computers to work out the analyses, and - I've found - really curious and good at learning all the basic technical stuff from environmental scientists and engineers of all sorts. That has allowed me to incorporate basic physical causalities and relations into the small and large economic models that I enjoy to make.

What I've also found is that once these physical relations are codified into a formal mathematical model I can explain to others exactly how my model works in their field of expertise, ask for their guidance and make improvements to the codified relations, assumptions and data.

In that way I've found that I can empower my stakeholders and gain acceptance of the analyses' conclusions, once we arrive at assumptions acceptable for all.

All too often I hear that "this topic is way too complicated to analyse". And sometimes it is, but with a bit of thought, patience and listening, it is actually possible to make reasonably solid analyses of even very complicated topics getting around most of the important details, so all stakeholders can feel invited into the analytic process.

Some more details on me ...

Here's some more details on me. Get in touch with me if you need a formal CV.

My education is a Master of Science in Economics (MSc Econ 2003) from University of Copenhagen, Institute of Economics with focus on microeconomics, macroeconomics, industrial organisation and econometrics. I was enrolled from January 1997 to March 2003. I speak an excellent English and fair German. My employment history is this:

Time Employer Position Responsibility
May 2021- Rational Resource Economics Consultant, owner Resource economic models and analyses
Apr 2020 - Apr 2021 Dansk Energi Consultant Energy system modelling, quantitative analyses
Jan 2003 - Mar 2020 COWI A/S Consultant Quantitative analyses and modelling within energy, water, waste, transport, including cost/benefit and financial analysis.
Sep 1998 - Aug 2002 Secretariat of the Danish Economic Council Assistant economist Quantitative analyses, panel data, data

My academic and other publications are the following

Time Title Publisher Authors
2019 WHAT-IF: an open-source decision support tool for water infrastructure investment planning within the Water-Energy-Food-Climate Nexus Hydrology and Earth System Science 23, 4129‐4152, 2019 Payet-Burin, R., Kromann, M., Pereira-Cardenal, S., Strzepek, K., and Bauer-Gottwein, P.
2019 Analyse af miljø og økonomi ved kildesortering og kildeopdeling (transl.: Analysis of enviromental and economic impacts from source sorting and source separation) Miljøstyrelsen, Miljøprojekt nr. 2066 Trine Lund Neidel, Mikkel Kromann
2018 På vej mod øget genanvendelse af husholdningsaffald (livscyklusvurdering og samfundsøkonomisk konsekvensvurdering (Transl. Towards increased recycling of household waste – Life Cycle Assessment Socio-Economic Consequences) Miljøstyrelsen, Miljøprojekt nr. 2059 Mikkel Kromann, Jens Bjørn Jakobsen, Jesper Karup Pedersen, Anders Damgaard, Trine Henriksen
2018 Strengthening Shardara Multi-Purpose Water Infrastructure in Kazakhstan OECD Studies on Water J. K. Pedersen, M. Kromann, A. Sood, A. Kensheakhmetova, A. Ryabtsev, M. Jacobsen
2015 Life cycle costing of waste management systems: Overview, calculation principles and case studies. Waste Management, Volume 36, February 2015, Pages 343-355 Martinez-Sanchez, Veronica; Kromann, Mikkel A.; Astrup, Thomas F.
2013 Miljø- og samfundsøkonomisk vurdering af muligheder for øget genanvendelse af papir, pap, plast, metal og organisk affald fra dagrenovation, (Transl: Environmental and Socio-economic assessment of recycling of municipal solid waste) Miljøstyrelsen, Miljøprojekt 1458 Jacob Møller, Morten Bang Jensen , Mikkel Kromann, Trine Lund Neidel, J. Bjørn Jakobsen
2001 Will the Nordic Power Market Remain competitive? Secretariat of the Danish Economic Council. Working Paper 2001:7 Hansen, J., J. Hauch, M. T. Kromann
2001 Imperfect Competition in the Nordic Electricity Markets. Secretariat of the Danish Economic Council. Working Paper 2001:3 Kromann, M. T.